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How to Choose Wood Drying Equipment
2018-06-27 15:56:35

How to choose wood drying equipment?
1. Look at the experience of wood chip dryers made by manufacturers and their performance in the market. If it is a mainstream qualified manufacturer, according to the current market conditions, the annual output of wood chip dryer should be more than 30 units. Due to the wide variety of drying and drying equipment, all manufacturers have their own focuses, some specialize in feed, some specialize in medicine, some specialize in chemicals, some specialize in mining, and some specialize in biomass energy. The wood chip dryer equipment should be guaranteed by a dedicated manufacturer that produces material industry experience. 
2. Conduct on-site inspections and select qualified sawdust dryers, especially for inspections at actual users. Manufacturers with experience and performance will certainly take the customer to do the inspection of the drying production site.