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Methods of improving the flatness of ecological board
2021-12-02 11:45:24

There are many kinds of plates sold and used in the market. Among them, the ecological plate we produce and use belongs to a wide range of plates. We have always strictly controlled the product quality to ensure the provision of high-quality products for consumers. What we want to share here today is the method to improve the flatness of ecological plate, Interested friends can have a look.
Then, when we want to improve the flatness of the ecological board, the first thing we need to do is to reasonably control the pulp concentration, and then in the process of production, it is mainly to prevent the pulp concentration from being too high. This method is an important measure to ensure that the surface of the board does not have uneven perianth surface color.
Secondly, it is necessary to control the depth of the beater into the slurry. In general, it needs to be kept at about 1mm to prevent horizontal color unevenness. In addition, in the process of heating the ecological board, it also needs to pay attention to make its temperature tend to be consistent, so as to better use it.

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