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A new way of veneer drying
2021-09-27 14:41:35

There are usually two methods for wood drying: natural air drying and manual drying. Natural air drying refers to stacking wood on an open site or in a shed, using the atmosphere as a heat and moisture transfer medium and the energy of solar radiation for convective heat transfer to remove moisture from the wood, so as to achieve the purpose of drying. Due to the limitation of natural conditions, this method has a long drying time and occupies a large area of site. After drying, it has high moisture content, is easy to bend and deform, and is easy to be damaged by bacteria and insects Mildew and so on, and the labor cost is also high. Manual drying includes manual kiln drying, dehumidification drying, high-frequency drying and microwave drying. However, in the process of manual drying of wood, the energy consumption of wood drying accounts for 40-70% of the total energy consumption of wood processing, and the energy utilization rate in the drying process is low, usually only 30-40%; In addition, dust, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and a small amount of nitrogen oxide produced in the drying process are the main factors causing atmospheric greenhouse effect, acid rain and ozone destruction, resulting in environmental pollution. Therefore, the energy conservation and environmental protection of wood drying are particularly important. Among various environmental protection and energy-saving drying technologies developed in recent 20 years, biomass burner drying equipment has energy conservation and environmental protection, is not affected by weather and site, and the output is greater than that of manual drying.

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